How to Combine Movements | Water Aerobics



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Combining moves is very beneficial when you workout because it makes your workouts more intense.

I recommend supersetting when you’re combining your moves. What I mean by that is there is no resting in between sets.

If I was to do a bicep curl in the water, I would do about 10 to 12 reps of these. Then I would switch right away to tricep curls in the water.

This is really good because it gives you a really nice cardio workout because you’re not resting.

Another exercise you can do that combines the moves and supersetting is toe taps, in the front. And heel taps in the back.

You can do this without weights or with weights. It’s a little easier without the weights.

Another thing you can do is knees. This is good for your abs and your core.

Sides. Reach. And reach.

This gets a little bit more of the side of your abs.

I recommend always trying to pick opposite muscle groups, so if I did bicep curls, I would do triceps, so you’re working one muscle group and then the exact opposite muscle group.

That would give you a really great workout.