Best Vertical Jump Hacks Revealed!



Learn how to dunk a basketball with these vertical jump hacks from two of the best dunkers in the world from Vert Shock at
Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington (world’s highest dunker) and Adam Folker (pro baller) have decided to release every single one of their secrets in a program they’ve used to add 32 inches in total to their vertical jumps.
So I asked him the secret to his success and he told me that learning to dunk is what made him the explosive, dynamic player that he is today. And to do that he had to add over 11 inches to his vertical jump with some pretty wild body hacks that he explains on his website:

He’s also teamed up with the world’s highest dunker Justin Darlington and somehow convinced him to share the secrets he used to notch up a 50.1″ vertical leap, win countless dunking contests and even train NBA players to dunk better.

Learn more about Vert Shock jump training program and get access to all the latest vertical jump hacks at

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