Jiu-Jitsu: State Of No Mind || BJJ Hacks x Scramble x Polaris



— To engage in combat one must not be fixed on or occupied by thought or emotion. Experienced warriors can achieve ‘mushin no shin’ (無心の心), a Zen expression meaning “the state of no-mindness”. Without thought or judgement a warrior is free to act and react to his opponent without hesitation or disturbance. At this point, one does not think but instead feels and acts intuitively according to their trained reactions.

Filmed at Polaris Professional Jiu-Jitsu Invitational 2 in Cardiff, Wales September 12th, 2015. Featuring BJJ black belts Eddie Cummings, Daniel Strauss, Daisuke Nakamura, Masakazu Imanari and Tom Barlow.

Music: Soare staniol (Makunouchi Bento’s Stan AWOL Remix Instrumental) by Avant’n’Gard

Permitted for commercial use under Creative Commons 3.0 license.