Kundalini Yoga for the Heart Center with Akasha and Jai-Jagdeesh Yoga Playlists



Kundalini Yoga for The Heart Center is a one-hour yoga class that opens the heart center and attracts opportunity and prosperity. This yoga set helps you realign your approach to prosperity by connecting with the plane of attraction through your heart center. This set takes you on a spiritual and physical journey into your self and your heart, teaching you to recognize your value and attract prosperity to you. The practice closes with a powerful Green Energy Meditation which directs the flow of energy through the heart center, and creates an even balance between the energy of giving and receiving. Green is the color of the heart chakra which promotes healing, love and abundance.

Taught by Akasha with live music by Jai-Jagdeesh and her band. Connect to hundreds of yogis as you practice this incredible yoga set and be uplifted and inspired by the group energy no matter where you are practicing. Jai-Jagdeesh’s incredible voice with amaze you!

This class can become part of your daily practice. Try it once or commit to a 40-day practice to expand your heart chakra and attract abundance and prosperity into your life.