Eric Bennewitz – Power Yoga Teacher Core Power Yoga



Yoga Nidra with Eric

Experience a journey of self-healing and harmony deeper than ever imagined. Allow yourself to come into ‘true relaxation’ and restore balance to your overall well-being. As this practice is amazingly simple to do, it also simplifies life—being able to lie still and quiet the mind are not necessary—just lie down, listen and notice. Who would have thought that something so effortlessly transformational could be benefited by anyone at anytime. Welcome to Yoga Nidra as adapted and guided by Eric Bennewitz, Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra guide.

Eric has been a student and teacher of Yoga Nidra for over 8 years now. He was introduced to the practice in a teacher training while living in Toronto, Canada. He realized immediately afterwards that this would be a life changer for his well-being and for others. Upon re-locating to Hamburg, Germany, Eric introduced Yoga Nidra into yoga asana classes with success. While deepening his Yoga Nidra practice through self-study, practice and mentoring, Eric was invited to write an article for ‘Yoga Aktuell’ magazine about this topic and later invited to guide a practice at the German Yoga Conference with Bryan. Over the past few years, Eric has been mentoring with renowned Yoga Nidra teacher, Jennifer Reis from America. He continues to share his Yoga Nidra passion with all those interested through his Hamburg studio, Peace Out Yoga and in countries abroad through workshops, retreats and teacher trainings in english and german.

Release tensions—Deepen awareness—Open Your-Self—Simplify life—that’s Yoga Nidra in a nutshell.