Yoga for Healthy Wrists | Yoga With Adriene



On this episode we learn a quick sequence for healthy wrists! Everyone can benefit from this practice and it can be repeated daily to improve wrist pain and assist with Carpal Tunnel! With the amount of hours we spend at the computer or at desk it is important to spend some time counter acting and tending to the wrists and all of the muscles that tie the room together. You can practice this at your desk or before yoga practice. You can repeat this sequence or each move 3 times, or do one move a day. I often hear people complain about wrist pain both on and off the mat. There is hope for us yet- lets commit to a practice of checking in with the wrists! Move with your breath and find what feels good – remember a little mindful TLC goes a long way.

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Song: Chinatown by Shakey Graves. Find Shakey at

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