Leon Streit Calisthenics Workout Motivation | Fitness Music & Quotes



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↪ Leon Streit Interview

Today, I would like to introduce you to someone who has had a tremendous performance leap in the last 1½ years and is now a term for Calisthenics. It is about the sympathetic Saxons, Leon Streit.

• Hi Leon, nice that you found time to answer me a few questions. In the beginning, let us quickly remove the unavoidable questions of age, size and weight ?

Hey Paul, so I am still tender 19 years young, about 1.67m small and is by weight always between 68-70 kg.

• I looked around a bit on your Facebook profile and saw that two years ago you were still skateboarding intensively. How did you come from the Rollsport, to force-dynamic Calisthenics ?

To start at the very beginning: So I’ve always been athletic. At 4 years, I started playing ice hockey, which I did until the age of 15 years. First only East German Championship and the last 2.5 years in the first Bundesliga.

This was among other things so time-intensive, that I had to hang on the nail, because things like school were more important to me. In order to be able to press me elsewhere, I went to skateboarding through my neighbors. I have also been active for about 2-3 years. Since we had a skatepark, a bar and a double bar in our park, it was only a matter of time.

On Calisthenic come I am about my comrade Marco Neumann, who has also driven together with me skateboard. At that time barstarzz and of course calisthenic movement were inspired. We found the idea of ​​a workout, regardless of any times, studios and devices awesome and have begun to train the basics like pull-ups etc. So we have more and more slipped into the ‘scene’.

• While you have been training for moves like the backlever in the middle of 2013, Frontlever, Flag Pull-Ups, Full Planche, etc., are no longer a real challenge. How did it happen in such a short time to such a huge performance explosion? Do you have special nutrition or a special training ?

The question I get asked frequently and a correct answer I can not really give on it myself. I think I have had a good condition by hockey and ice hockey. Furthermore, my first year of training consisted almost entirely of basics (dips, stretcher, pull-ups, knee-bend, plank and shoulder stand). This gave me a good inner stability.

If I still say that I am still in the studio, the majority will shake my head, but in my opinion, I have the perfect blend of maximum strength and strength and stability. This has helped me-I believe things like Full Planche greatly relieved.

On the subject of nutrition I can only say that I try to eat healthy and balanced, whereby I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea of ​​proper nutrition. I also eat a kebab or a pizza, because I think that one does not always have to do without something. So, of course, the person himself and their genetic predispositions are always important.

Describe to the readers but your approximate training course.

My training is actually simple. I split it into different parts (chest, back, shoulders and belly, arms, legs and weekend freestyle).

There is always good warming at the start of the training, such as rope jumping, lying support and pull-ups. Then I continue my workout with skills, like frontline (back training) or handstand (shoulder training). After about 45-60min then the basic training followed, whereby I try NOT always go to the limit. Maximum twice a week I go to the extreme and otherwise I train with an intensity of about 70-80%.

When I’m in the studio, I try to do exercises like pull-ups, only with extra weight. Of course there are also exercises like bank pressures, in order to maximally.

• The turn of the year is coming. Time to face new challenges. Have you already set up resolutions, goals and projects for 2018 ?

Of course, I will try to continue to increase my level continuously and continue to have so much fun with the matter. I also have to turn back on more frequent videos, which has recently been something on the track. But I can guarantee you that you will not only see things from me but also from our other members.

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Song: Things Are Gonna Get Better | Music provided by NEFFEX Music.