Step Aerobics With Bollywood Music Mix 135 to 155BPM
Step Aerobics Ram Pansare
Step aerobics only requires a stepper for equipment. You’ll need to wear a good pair of shoes, but that’s all the equipment you’ll need for this workout. Your stepper may be anywhere from six inches to twelve inches in height. Make sure it’s sturdy and provides ample foot space so that you don’t fall off of it while exercising. Once your bench is in place, you’re ready to step your way to fitness.
Step aerobics helps burn calories and fat. The number of calories burned depends on the speed of movements, step height, length of exercise, and the persons height and weight.
One of the things which step aerobics is best for is your cardiovascular health. Several studies have shown that engaging in 1 hour of step aerobics is roughly equal to running 7 miles. We don’t mean jogging 7 miles, we mean running 7 miles at a very fast pace. Step Aerobics is a fantastic way to get both your lungs and your heart to work at an increased rate.
Of course, forcing your cardiovascular system to work at an increased rate means that you are training it to be better and stronger. Some simple step aerobics will train your heart, a muscle, to be more efficient and to pump blood throughout your body much easier.
A more efficient heart means that you have a decreased chance from suffering from heart and artery diseases and will also improve your workout results. More blood being pumped to your muscles at an increased efficiency means that your muscles are getting more oxygen.
Therefore step aerobics causes your muscles to have more stamina, to grow quicker, and to recover faster too. This is combined with the fact that aerobic exercise helps your lungs process oxygen better, yet another factor which leads to increased cardiovascular health and an easier time working out as well.
In essence, step aerobics makes your heart and lungs much healthier, thus reducing the chance of cardiovascular related illness and improving the way you can work out at the same time.