CROSSFIT WARM-UP | Chumbawamba | Fun 3 MINUTE warm-up



This video is about the perfect Crossfit warm-up to elevate your heart rate and get a nice little sweat on. The inspiration to this video was how many times I’ve done ‘Bring Sally up, bring Sally down…normally doing Squats. This version is to Chumbawamba 1997 class ‘Tubthumping’. Never heard of who they are?? I got you don’t worry.

“Chumbawamba /ˌtʃʌmbəˈwɒmbə/ were a British rock band that formed in 1982 and ended in 2012. The band constantly shifted in musical style, drawing on genres such as punk rock, pop, and folk. Their anarchist or libertarian socialist political stance exhibited an irreverent attitude toward authority, and the band have been forthright in their stances on issues including animal rights and pacifism (early in their career) and later regarding class struggle, feminism, gay liberation, pop culture, and anti-fascism.

The band are best known for their song “Tubthumping”, which was nominated for Best British Single at the 1998 Brit Awards. Other singles include “Amnesia”, “Enough Is Enough” (with MC Fusion), “Timebomb”, “Top of the World (Olé, Olé, Olé)”, and “Add Me”.

In July 2012, Chumbawamba announced they were splitting up after 30 years. On its website the members stated “That’s it then, it’s the end. With neither a whimper, a bang, or a reunion.”[6] The band was joined by former members and collaborators for three final shows between 31 October and 3 November 2012, one of which was filmed and released as a live DVD.[7]”

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Obviously, this warm-up is supposed to be fun. I explain the version I did but to be honest you can make it your own with exercises ect.