How To Make a Praize Kraze Workout Playlist – Christian Dance Fitness
Praize Kraze® (Praise Craze) is a style of dance fitness that is a Christian alternative to Zumba® or Refit®. Using ONLY Christian music, it combines praise and worship with exercise.
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Join me as we grow together in seeking a physically and spiritually healthier lifestyle; create your own personal PRAISE AND WORKOUT routine using your favorite videos to work out from home! Go to this link for step by step instructions on how to create a workout playlist and in what order your videos need to be.
And David was dancing before the LORD with all his might!!! 2 Samuel 6:14
Whatever you do, do EVERYTHING in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 (Everything includes dancing and working out!)
Take your praise and worship to the next level… PRAIZE KRAZE® is the next level praise Experience!! It is a fun-filled workout designed to burn plenty of calories, release stress, and encourage your spirit as we focus on the King of Kings, Jesus Christ!! It engages you whole body, mind, spirit and soul. It is a style of dance fitness that is a Christian alternative to Zumba or aerobic style workout… using only Christian music (CCM, Christian Pop, Christian Rap, Christian Rock, Classic Christian, Contemporary Gospel, Gospel) – it includes praise and worship with exercise and is filled with the Holy Spirit. I create choreography that not only gives the student a fun, easy and effective workout that burns lots of calories, but also glorifies God and demonstrates praise in the movements. I am a very lyrical choreographer, expressing my passion and love for Jesus in my movements, while engaging muscles to make them into a fitness routine, to the lyrics of the song. This type of exercise not only gives you lots of energy, but works all major muscle groups
My Praize Kraze® routines are simple and effective. By modifying the moves you can take any routine that is Low Impact and make it a more challenging high impact… or you can take a high impact routine and take the jumping out to keep it low impact. As long as you are moving and praising – you can’t get it wrong!
There are many muscle toning routines on my channel that will help you engage and tone a specific muscle or group of muscles – the goal is to not only Feel the Burn… but keep the burn going as long as possible to maximize your results. Many of the cardio routines work the arms and abs and have squats within the cardio… but there are also videos that are nearly all squats. We work the quads, outer thighs, inner thighs, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, abdominals, oblique, the shoulder area and calf. Strengthening and toning muscles will also help your metabolism and will keep you burning more calories when you are not working out.
I wanted to share my style with students and instructors alike – to fill a much needed gap for Christian Fitness for those who love Zumba, but don’t want to compromise the music they listen to in order to work out. Please let me know if you like it and if you want to use it by commenting on the video – it will bless me to know I am blessing others.
**GO SUBSCRIBE TO “Praize Kraze® with Gina – Christian Dance Fitness” and follow us as I continue to add more videos for you!
Choreography by: Gina Napolitano
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Name and logos are registered entities of Praize Kraze®
MUSIC: I do not own the rights to the song used in this video: “__” by __ Add it to your playlist by purchasing it through ITunes today!