The BEST DIET For Weight Loss | Lose Fat, Build Muscle, Get Healthy
☆ Listen to “Wired to Eat” by Robb Wolf ☆
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This video explains how to determine the best diet to lose weight, lose fat, and/or gain muscle. I also discuss how to find the best macros for weight loss, fat loss, and building muscle. A lot of people might think the best diet is veganism, or IIFYM, or paleo, or low carb, or keto. But in reality, the best diet for weight loss is the diet that is personalized to your body. The outline for my plan is written out below for convenience
Video about the most important thing to achieve your aesthetic goals:
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♡ F O L L O W M E F O R M O R E C O O L S T U F F ♡
•SNAPCHAT: MissFitAndNerdy
♡ F I L M I N G E Q U I P M E N T ♡
•DSLR #2:
♡ C U R R E N T F A V O R I T E S U P P L E M E N T S ♡
•Reishi Hot Cacao:
•AmazingGrass Protein:
•Vega Clean Protein:
♡ P L A Y L I S T S ♡
•Intermittent Fasting:
•Fitness Starter Kit:
☆Finding The Best Diet for Weight Loss/Fat Loss/Building Muscle☆
⌲PHASE 1: Gut Optimization
Get Reset Diet
3 Day Fast
Keto Diet
⌲PHASE 2: Elimination Diet
7 Day Carb Test
Everything Else (sulfer, thiols, etc)
⌲PHASE 3: The Ideal Macro Ratio
Standard macro ration (recommended by IIFYM)
Low Carb/High Fat
Low Fat/ High Carb
★❤︎ S U P P O R T M E H E R E ❤︎★
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♡ D I S C L A I M E R ♡
Please do your own research on any supplement/food product mentioned before adding it to your own diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions that may be a contraindication for the food or supplement.
This video is sponsored by Audible | Amazon, RewardStyle, & support me links are affiliates links. Thank you for supporting me and my channel and helping me continue to create content for you ♡