I am learning and realising a lot of things recently and wanted to start this conversation on my channel. I want to apologise to anybody who I have made feel pressured to eat a certain way or insecure about their own bodies through things I have promoted in the past. This is a turning point for me in my personal life, and for my channel. I am still learning so please share with me what YOU have learnt in your own journey to overcome dieting. It is so important that we call this kind of stuff out and try to work together as a community to change things. If you’re as fed up as I am then make it heard! We all make mistakes, we’ve all been sucked in and brainwashed by diet culture. But if you are beginning to see the bullsh*t then please please speak up about it, unfollow certain people, realise your worth and your beauty and let’s try and change how we speak about ourselves and food. If this has touched just one person today, to seek help, to look at themselves and say they’re beautiful, to quit their restrictive diet or to push them forward in their eating disorder recovery, I’ve done my job. Let’s support and help each other in the comments below
Please follow these amazing people //
Laura Thomas //
Bodyposipanda //
Cosmic Colette //
Any Body //
Iskra //
Body Positive Memes //
Plant Based Pixie //
Ella Grace Denton //
Let me know below your favourite body positive, anti-diet accounts/people you follow and I will add them to the list for others to check out!
c o n n e c t
i n s t a g r a m //
t w i t t e r //
f a c e b o o k //
p i n t e r e s t //
s n a p c h a t // maddieabb
f a c e b o o k g r o u p s
v e r s a t i l e v e g a n //
d e c l u t t e r y o u r l i f e //
m i n i m a l b e a u t y //