Yoga Dance – Album – Yoga Mantra Dance Songs Vol. 1 by Anke – Sample Yoga Playlists



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Video and music by Anke Moehlmann, BMP-Music,
1. Aad Guree Namee 10.47
2. Hare Rama 6.47
3. Shree Radhe 6.26
4. Shankara Karunakara 9.14
5. Raghupati 7.46
6. Hara Hara Gurudeva 10.10
7. Hara Hara Gurudeva (Instrumental Dance) 6.08

Lyrics & Meaning — Yoga Mantra Dance Songs Vol. 1

1. Aad Guree Namee (Sikh-Mantra) – Kundalini Yoga Mantra

Aad Guree Namee
Djugaad Guree Namee
Sat Guree Namee
Siri Guru Deveh Namee

Ich grüße die Weisheit, die am Anfang war
Ich grüße die Weisheit, die durch alle Zeitalter hindurch besteht
Ich grüße die Weisheit
Ich grüße die Erhabene göttliche Weisheit

I salute the wisdom that was in the beginning
I salute the wisdom that exists throughout the ages
I salute the wisdom
I salute the noble devine wisdom

2. Hare Rama

Rama Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama Rama
Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama
Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama

Hare Hare
Hare Rama (2X)

Rama (Quelle der Glückseligkeit in jedem einzelnen), Hare (Anrufungsform)
Rama (Source of bliss in every individual), Hare (Invocation)

3. Shree Radhe

Shree Radhe Radhe Radhe Sham
Govinda Radhe Shree Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Sham
Gopala Radhe Radhe Sham

Die göttliche Melodie vereint alle
The devine melody unites all

4. Shankara Karunakara

Shankara Karunakara Parameshvara Jagadishvara
Shankari Karunakari Parameshvari Jagadishvari

Heilbringender (Shankara)
Erbarmenbringender (Karunakara),
Höchster (Param) Gott (Ishvara), Herr des Universums (Jagad)!
Heilbringende, Erbarmenbringende, Höchste Göttin, Herrin des Universums!
Healing, Merciful, Supreme God, Master of the Universe!
Healing, Merciful, Supreme Goddess, Mistress of the Universe!

5. Raghupati

Mantra für den Triumph des Geistes über das Ego.
Mantra for the triumph of spirit over the ego.

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram
Patita Pavana Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram (3X)

6. Hara Hara Gurudeva

Hara Hara Gurudeva
Parabrahma Parameshwara

Ich reinige mich und entdecke die Einheit, die alles ist
I clean myself and discover the unity that is all