Yoga//Mommy & Me Toddler Songs Yoga Playlists
Itsy Bitsy Yoga is a great resource for doing Mommy & Me Yoga at home! I draw a lot of inspiration during my classes with both the Itsy Bitsy Yoga Baby + Itsy Bitsy Yoga Toddler book.
The best recommendation I have for practicing with your little one is to have FUN! It doesn’t need to be serious and structured. Switching up the poses and songs quickly will keep them focused.
Kiddos don’t need their own yoga mat as they will use the WHOLE room when practicing Yoga…but there are cute children sized ones like Bendi Baby’s Yoga mats.
I also like to use scarves to keep them engaged and help make the connection of
Mamas, if you would like to be warmed up before you start the songs, following along:
Yoga//Rise + Shine Sun Sequence
Yoga//Mommy & Me Sun Salutations
Lastly, get ready to see some REAL life Yoga here.
Emerson had a huge tantrum with 2 timeouts (that last like 2.5 seconds) before we started, and once I watched this video I realized that my hair looks so. bad. I haven’t colored my hair since April and it’s super obvious. Buuut…it doesn’t actually matter..just like to point out that your Yoga mat doesn’t care how long you practice on it and what your hair looks like