Day 15 of 30 Day Sumits Hot Yoga Challenge Springfield Missouri Core Power Yoga



This is Day 15 of 30 Day Challenge Sumits Hot Yoga Springfield Missouri. Challenges are great because they “give students the opportunity to take part in a repetitive practice,” says Buddy Huggins.

Sumits Yoga, when done regularly, can be life-changing… Come prepared to sweat! $5 Community Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:15 pm. Check our schedule online at

Sumits Yoga was created by Sumit Banerjee based on his own years of experience in practicing and teaching Bikram Yoga and Vinyasa. By integrating the best core principles of traditional hot yoga and Ashtanga-inspired power flow, Sumit created a dynamic, energizing practice that focuses on building strength, flexibility, and balance with a holistic approach of nurturing the spirit. You don’t need to be especially flexible or incredibly fit to practice Sumits Yoga.

You just need to do it. The results speak for themselves!

Why Hot Yoga

At Sumits Hot Yoga we understand the healing benefits of the heat. The body protects itself from injury during physical exertion by generating heat inside the muscles. When the heat is present upfront, the body is protected even further. All Sumits Yoga classes are done in a heated environment.

2680 S. Glenstone
Springfield, Missouri 65804
Phone (417) 881-9642


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