योग निद्रा 3 उच्च Yoga Nidra Highest = Swami Niranjananand Sarswati स्वामी निरंजन हिंदी Hindi
Yoga Nidra – Dynamic / Psychic sleep
Yog Nidra is a pratyahara technique in which the distractions of the mind are contained and the mind is allowed to relax.
This practice has had a profound transformative effect on practitioners.
True relaxation is an experience far beyond all this. For absolute relaxation one must remain aware.
This is Yoga Nidra, the state of dynamic sleep.
Yognidra is a systematic method of complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During the practice, one appears to be a sleep, but the Consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.
Twentieth century research into sleep has proven that even entering into this traditional haven will rarely banish stress.
Full details of the practice are set out in the Audio & book Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananad Sarswati ji.
Please follow Audio of Yognidra & Enjoy Life.
योग निद्रा 3 उच्च Yoga Nidra Highest = Swami Niranjananand Sarswati स्वामी निरंजन हिंदी Hindi
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