Bikram Yoga Bali Canggu



The perfect FREE Bali-Hot Yoga class right in the heart of Canggu Bali.
That’s right. You heard it first!!
Opening soon, in the heart of Canggu Bali —Bikram YogaFX is the new, slightly unconventional, yet dynamic Canggu Bali-hot yoga studio.

Bikram YogaFX, Bali’s brand new Bali-hot yoga studio (environmentally friendly, NO ELECTRIC MUNCHING HEATERS,all natural,gorgeous Bali heat) is the perfect introduction to yoga for those who want to have a stab, without the worry of being met with any of the stereotypes of traditional yoga classes

Yep, the YogaFX team are frantically beavering away right now, to bring their specifically designed hot yoga classes, right to your office doorstep!

A contemporary twist on traditional yoga, YogaFX is the perfect blend of Bikram yoga, hatha yoga, hot yoga, power yoga and pilates.
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