Day 6 Beginner Yoga Challenge: Warrior Two



Welcome to Day 6! Today you will learn the fundamentals of Warrior Two, also called Virabhadrasana B in Sanskrit. Maintain the steady strength of a spiritual warrior by keeping the mind calm and equanimous. Align the heel of the bent leg to the arch of the straight leg. Keep both legs active and the quadriceps firm. Track the bent knee over the ankle and be sure not to go past the toes. Keep the lower belly tucked in to the inner space of the pelvis and lift the ribs away from the hips. Spread the shoulders and maintain the full breadth of your shoulder girdle.

Welcome to this One Month Beginner Yoga Challenge. New videos will be posted daily at 9 AM EST during the month of May. Pair these videos perfectly with #MayIBeginYoga2016 to support your daily practice and share on Instagram. Videos will publish on the day before the calendar date to give you time to practice and post on IG. Subscribe, comment, like and share to stay involved in the yoga challenge.

We designed this month’s challenge to be the perfect introduction to yoga, just like a 30 Day Yoga Course, but we want ALL levels to join and share their practice. This is the same challenge as last year so it’s perfect for those who participated to see how far you’ve come!

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