Deep Stretch and Restorative Yoga with a Bolster – 20 Minutes
Yoga Upload with Maris Aylward – This 20-minute yoga class is a combination of deep stretch or yin yoga poses and restorative yoga poses with a bolster. We will do 6 postures then end with a few minutes of Savasana.
It’s not strictly a yin yoga practice because we don’t hold the poses for very long. We stay in the poses for 1 to 3 minutes. If a bolster is not available, stack a few blankets to form the shape of the bolster. You may also adjust the height of the bolster by adding blankets on top.
Always make sure there is no sharp pain in your body when you’re in the pose. Focus on your breath and be attentive to the sensations that come up. Balance effort and ease in your poses. Find that sweet spot where you feel enough stretch but not too much that you have difficulty breathing and are unable to enjoy yourself in the pose.
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