Freedom From Fear with Yoga Nidra (Powerful Guided Meditation For Re Centering Yourself)



Fear is based on ignorance of your true nature as immortal and eternal Self, Atma, or Spirit. When we are in the mode of ignorance, we identify as being the body; subject to change, illness, and death. However, when we correctly discern that we are that nonmanifest inner Self, the silent witness within, of the nature of pure consciousness, then we transcend all fear and can then dwell in the perfect peace of your own innermost state of being.
When the external world is full of chaos it becomes essential that we can learn a reliable method to withdraw our senses from their respective objects and find that immeasurable peace within.

Peace, bliss, joy, trust and contentment and serenity do not need to be recreated, because they are your own true nature; these qualities are the effect of the indwelling soul, or Spirit. You only need to release and let go of everything else.
The more you release the outer manifest projections of your inner being, the more you can dwell in that perfect bliss of Self.

Let go of the body, subject to change.
Let go of the mind, subject to change.
Let go of the pranas, subject to change.

Let go of the karmas/subconscious tendencies, subject to change.
And come to rest in the absolute bliss of pure consciousness, Sat Chit Ananda.
Within you is an untapped source of perfect peace and tranquility. The more you learn to access That inner source of satisfaction, the more satisfaction you find in even the simplest things around you, the more equanimous and indifferent to outer circumstances you become.

This self-born inner peace is the greatest wealth there is, and just being in the presence of one who has recognized That becomes a sanctuary of peace and safety for others.

Before practicing yoga nidra you may wish to do three rounds of naukasana (boat pose), followed by 2 minutes of trataka (fixed point gazing).

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ॐ शान्तिः