Full Body Yoga Workout – 30 Min Beginner to Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga Class – Yoga for Weight Loss
Full Body Yoga Workout – 30 Min Vinyasa Yoga Class – Yoga for Weight Loss — This is a Full Body Yoga Workout. 30 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class for weight loss and to strengthen your body. This is a beginner to intermediate level yoga class. DOWNLOAD THIS CLASS: //EXPAND FOR MORE INFO//
Hi! I’m Christina, and welcome to my yoga YouTube channel, ChriskaYoga! This is a 30 Minute Full Body Yoga Workout that can be done for strengthening and weight loss. In this yoga class, I’ll give you a warm up and a cool down as well. You won’t need any yoga props for this one either, and it is in the level of strong beginner.
We will begin in easy pose for a brief breathing meditation (sukhasana). Then we will come into a quick child’s pose (balasana) before taking several cat and cow poses. Then we will come into a downward facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana) and mountain pose (tadasana). Next, we’ll take several modified sun salutations (surya namaskar a) with plank pose and low cobra (bujangasana). After this, we will come into the second sun salutation (surya namaskar b) with high lunge (crescent lunge), and then once again with warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2) into triangle pose (trikonasana).
Following this, we will take boat pose (navasana) and bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana). To cool down, we will take supine pigeon pose (thread the needle) and a supine twist before coming into savasana.
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*DISCLAIMER: Please consult a doctor or medical professional before bringing any new type of exercise into your routine and work with caution. While the information provided by ChriskaYoga is believed to be accurate, ChriskaYoga assumes absolutely no liability for the use or misuse of any information and products found in this Video. ChriskaYoga is not liable or responsible for any damages that occur from any actions taken by the use of this Video. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk and you discharge ChriskaYoga from all claims or causes or action, known or unknown, arising from any negligences by ChriskaYoga.