Restorative Yoga Pose: How to do Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall) with AnaMargret Sanchez
Calm your body and restore your mind with Viparita Karani, often called “Legs-up-the-Wall” pose. This gentle inversion will lengthen the backs of the legs and neck, open the chest, relieve lower-back pain, re-oxygenate the blood, and calm the nervous system.
About AnaMargret Sanchez:
AnaMargret Sanchez has studied extensively with Rod Stryker and is a certified Para Yoga teacher. She also has extensive yoga therapy training, has trained in India at the Viniyoga school founded by T.K.V. Desikachar, and is certified by Judith Lasater as an advanced restorative yoga trainer. In addition to group classes, she teaches workshops, leads retreats and coaches private students.
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Yoga International offers online yoga classes for all levels and brings together 500+ expert teachers who specialize in a variety of styles and focuses including yoga therapy, anatomy, ayurveda, meditation, vinyasa, yin, restorative, and more. With over 1,000 classes ranging from 15 to 120 minutes to choose from, you can always find a practice that matches your intention for your day.
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