Yoga for Scoliosis: 8 Yoga Poses To Correct Spinal Curvature



Scoliosis is a condition which is related to spine in which the spine is not perfectly straight but has a curve to it. If this curvature is more than 10 degrees either on right or left, or even front or back, he or she can be called as suffering from scoliosis.

If you suffer from scoliosis, here are 8 best yoga asanas that will help alleviate discomfort and realign your spine.

Virabhadrasana II – Warrior II
Warrior 2 — Virabhadrasana II is a standing yoga pose named after a mythological Hindu warrior, Virabhadra. A powerful stretch for the legs, groins, and chest, Virabhadrasana II also increases stamina. It helps to relieve backaches, and stimulates healthy digestion. This is a deep hip-opening pose that strengthens the muscles in the thighs and buttocks. It tones the abdomen, ankles, and arches of the feet.

Trikonasana – Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose is a standing yoga pose that tones the legs, reduces stress, and increases stability. The word “Trikonasana” comes from the Sanskrit words “tri,” (meaning “three”), “kona”(meaning “angle”), and “asana” (meaning “pose”). It refers to the triangular shape created by your body in the full version of the pose. A deep stretch for the hamstrings, groins, and hips, Trikonasana also opens the chest and shoulders. It helps relieve lower back pain, stress, and sluggish digestion.

Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bend
aschimottanasana or the Seated Forward Bend pose is a ‘forward bend asana. Paschimottanasana is also known as the Intense Dorsal Stretch pose as it engages the dorsal muscles of the back. “Paschima” means your “back” and “Uttana” means “stretching“. This asana covers the stretching of the whole body from head to heels so it is called as Paschimottanasna.

Salabhasana – Locust Pose
Salabhasana – the name comes from the Sanskrit words “shalabh” which means “grasshopper”. It is back bend, or spine stretch, using the strength of the upper and middle back to lift the weight of the legs as high as possible from a starting position face down on the floor. It improves flexibility and coordination and increases strength and stamina. It helps to exercise the spine.

Setu Bandhasana – Bridge Pose
In sanskrit ‘Bridge’ means ‘Setu’, ‘Bandha’ means ‘Lock’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Pose’. The poses look like the shape of the bridge, so this pose is called as bridge pose. This rejuvenating backbend will open your chest up and keep your spine flexible. Setu Bandhasana will also help to prepare you for more intense backbends. Basically this pose is effective in relaxing the body and reducing stress.

Adho Mukha Svanasana- Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. This asana can be practiced by any beginner too and with all its benefits, one should include it as a part of daily yoga practice. It is a standing pose and mild inversion that builds strength while stretching the whole body.

Salamba Sarvangasana – Supported Shoulder Stand
Inversions are considered some of the most essential of yoga poses. Supported Shoulderstand is a powerful pose to practice for gradually and safely learning inversions. It stretches the back of the neck while strengthening the spine and core muscles. It is appropriate for intermediate to advanced yoga students.

Cat – Cow Pose
Cat-Cow is a gentle sequence of two poses that stretches the spine and prepares the body for activity. A wonderful way to start off any yoga practice is with a round Cat Pose to Cow Pose. This Cat Cow pose helps relieving back pain and also helps to stregthen the back during pregancy.

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