Yoga with Melissa 378 – Chair Yoga Class with Sherry Zak Morris – Sharing the Sunny Side of Life
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Today we have a special guest on Yoga with Melissa
Sherry Zak Morris from YogaJP
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No matter what is going on in your life right now, you can always find time to feel the Joy and Gratitude of being alive. Even with our aches, pains, worries and frets we can give ourselves permission to walk on the Sunny Side of Life and appreciate all that we have. Sherry leads this Energizing Chair Yoga class with a group of senior citizens who happily and joyfully move, dance and smile while celebrating the NOW. Join us! You’ll be glad you did!
(“Life can be so sweet on the sunny side of the street!” Louie Armstrong)
Joy is the light that perks up in us for now reason. Sherry begins this chair yoga class with a centering, connection with the ground and some breath awareness. After centering Sherry goes into some neck releases for you. From there Sherry brings some mobility into your whole body with some leg and foot movement starting with the foot slider. After the foot practice, Sherry begins with some quad practice. Sherry encourages you in some playful, joyful movements that will get your heart rate up and encourage blood flow. You will practice eagle pose in the chair with 3 options and movements to help you move your shoulder blades down. Your thumb is the first place that arthritis sets in and Sherry gives you some movements for this. There are two dances in this chair yoga class. Sherry moves through some sun salutation flows. You even get to come in and out of your chair with some squats When you come to standing you will do some movements to increase your height, core strengthening and leg strengthening as well as some balancing. When you come back to seated you release your calf and hamstrings with hand to big toe pose using a strap. The class finishes with an upbeat dance sequence for joy and gratitude.
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