Training Motivation Cardio Mix 160 BPM Running Workout Music of all TIMES



It has actually been proven scientifically, that the right workout music can be a great help while you work out, giving you more energy, making it more fun, and increasing your stamina. When you hear your favorite Fitness Music, it immediately makes everything easier.Can Workout Music help you while you are training?

Sports scientists have spent years searching for the ultimate motivation songs for fitness training. In 2014 alone, Spotify offered a total of 6.7 million playlists made up of Workout Music. Furthermore, there is a lot more an energetic song can do for you besides making for a more relaxed workout. We have varied the genres and tempos, in order to assemble Fitness Music playlists for you, which will electrify your workouts, and get your body moving.

Playlist Workout Musik 1

Rock Your Run

Music can affect your emotions. But which are the best songs for Workout Music, to jog to?

Go for hard rock, to evoke feelings like anger or determination. These can help you run faster and for longer without feeling tired.

Running while listening to acoustic Workout Music on the other hand, may well be very peaceful, but in the end you will lack the strength and stamina to conquer that decisive extra kilometer. Songs at a tempo of 150 to 180 especially, will help you to use every muscle.