High Intensity Interval Training – No Equipment – Day 24 // Garage Gym Fitness



High Intensity Interval Training – No Equipment

Go here to start at Day 1 –

Garage Gym Merch –

We all know the great importance of exercise, and sure, each of us, in our own way try to do as much as we can. Yet, this can be incredibly difficult. If you work full time, or are generally very busy, getting the gym hours in that we feel is necessary can feel like an impossible task.

Even if you want to go for a run, you might think that you would need to run for at least an hour to make any real change. We might feel resigned to our current state or shape, one seemingly enforced by our schedule.

This might well be the case, however thanks to the exercise system HIIT (high intensity interval training) you can get a fantastic workout in very little time. Hence my title today is a High Intensity Interval Training – with no equipment.

As its name suggests, HIIT relies on short bouts of high intensity exercise, broken up by moments of rest and recovery. The exercise sequences are repeated for anything from 10 to 30 minutes. You can even do your Hiit Workout at Home for a full Body Fat Burn.

HIIT isn’t just useful for those short of time, HIIT workouts are one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise that you can do, something supported by significant research.

In addition there are a great, and surprising range of other benefits which show that high intensity interval training is the way to go for those on the clock.
1) Burn Fat Even When You Stop Training
2) Build More Muscle and Maintain Muscle Mass Better!
3) It Helps Improve Your Blood Circulation and Fight Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
4) Just Jump and sprint! You Don’t Need Any Equipment!
5) Strengthen your cardiovascular activity and boost your endurance
By pushing your heart rate and oxygen consumption during HIIT workouts.
6) It Helps Prevent aging and You Will Live Longer!
7) Ease the difficulties and strains of Parkinson’s!

Don’t forget to do it step by step
As with any change in your exercise regime, its important to consult your doctor and hear their opinion. This is especially important if you’ve never done any high intensity training before.

Join me now here on Youtube. Link above and below to my 30 day Challenge.
Go here to start at Day 1 –

Amazon Link to Slam Ball –
Amazon Link to Dumbbells –
Amazon link to Hohem Isteady X Gimbal –
Amazon Link to Resistance Band Door Anchor –
Amazon Link to Resistance Bands –
Link for My App And free 8 session banded workouts ! –
Protein Supplement Powders – www.essentialgains.co.uk Use code GGF10 at Checkout for 10% off

Let’s get to know each other – FOLLOW ME:


Website www.garagegymfitness.co.uk

Email garagegymfitness20.20@gmail.com

#garagegymfitness #Hiit #30daychallenge #abexercises #coreworkout #Homeworkout

Other Video Links;
Resistance Band Exercise Playlist

Ultimate SLAM BALL SESSION Playlist-

Shoulder Workout from home

Leg Workout from Home

Beginners Guide to Doing Pushups

30 Day Pushup Challenge

If you would like further explanation on these or other examples of workouts please do let me know in the comments below.
I would love to get your comments on this video ? Would you like more videos like this one ?
Would be great to connect.

Disclaimer: When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. James Lewis and Garage Gym Fitness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

Advertising Disclaimer – Some of my links may be affiliate links which means I may receive a very small commission if you use a link and buy something. You will not be charged anything extra but the small commissions go a long way towards helping me produce these videos. Thank you as always for your support now and going forward.