Core Tabata Workout w/ Tabata Songs



Hey folks here is our Core focused Tabata workout. If you are interested in purchasing the music used to keep tempo with this Tabata session, please follow the below link to Tabata Songs.

Tabata is a scientifically proven method of exercise that can boost metabolic rates for up to 36 hours after exercise. An average Tabata cycle is 4 minutes, but most sessions ranges 25 to 30 minute. Each exercise interval lasts 20 seconds with a 10 second rest while maintaining 170% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max.) This is done for four minutes at a time, for a total of up to eight cycles. Tabata is based on studies of high-intensity intermittent training by Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata. In his original 1996 study, Tabata studied its amazing effect on a group of male college students. The study subjects were all Physical Education Majors, and most were members of various varsity sports teams.

Before You Tabata

Like many other exercises and workouts; you must be committed and determined to put forth all your energy in the exercise. The Tabata Training Method is an advanced form of exercise and it requires you to be fit as well as mentally strong. The method is designed so that it lasts 4 minutes long, however within those 4 minutes you have to go through 7 intervals. Each lasting 20 seconds at a very high intensity. I have linked the log file below so you can track your repetitions.

If you are interested in purchasing the music used to keep tempo with this Tabata session, please follow the below like to Tabata Songs.