[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Nutrition Guide – 5 Rules About Carbohydrates For Building Serious Muscle Mass[/su_heading]
Guide : 5 Rules About Carbohydrates For Building Serious Muscle Mass
When it comes to carbohydrates as one of the main sources of energy for the body, there are many different opinions and interpretations of their use in the process of building muscle mass and in the process of melting excess fat. Depending on how you use, carbohydrates can provide pure and quality muscle mass, or they may represent the main cause of irregular and poor muscle growth and the resulting loss of hard muscle. In continuation of this article there will be given some basic rules about the need for consuming carbohydrates for getting QUALITY MUSCLE MASS.
- Carbohydrates with a low glycolic index should be entered in larger quantities in terms of carbohydrates with high index.
As I’ve mentioned, carbohydrates are the main source of energy during increased physical activity and therefore their consumption should be avoided. But on the other hand, carbohydrates with a low glycolic index such as vegetables, brown rice, white flakes, pasta, bread and potatoes should take precedence over the carbohydrates with high glycolic index. The reason why you need to consume large amounts of complex carbohydrates is that these carbs are broken down more slowly in the body and provide a more stable production of insulin and blood sugar, which is crucial for building lean muscle mass and reduced storage of excess carbohydrates into fat. In the process of building new muscle mass (depending on the individual needs of each person or athlete), one needs to consume about 3-5 grams of carbohydrates a day for every pound of body weight.
- Consume greater amount of fiber
Eating a greater amount of fiber improves the process of anabolism absorption of amino acids and carbohydrates in the skeletal muscles. At the same time intake of fiber slows digestion and breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins allowing stable production of insulin. White flakes, vegetables, brown rice, beans, fruits, seeds and nuts are a great choice and a source of fiber.
- Consume sugars (simple carbohydrates) immediately after an intense workout
The period immediately after hard training is the only time during the day when it is necessary and useful to consume greater quantities of simple carbohydrates in order to complement the spent glycogen reserves (as a result of intensive training), and to allow a greater amount of insulin to stimulate the anabolic process. An excellent source of simple carbohydrates (sugars) that you can take immediately after training is fruit, honey, dark chocolate combined with a protein supplement or chocolate milk.
- Consume most of your daily intake of carbohydrates in a meal after training
The rule is simple.
Don’t you ever think that after each workout you should eat only protein specific food?
Your fuel tanks from where you get the most of your energy are emptying while you workout, so it’s obvious that after you finish it you need to fuel them back up.
By taking carbohydrates after training, you will allow your muscles to regenerate faster and at the same time you will get your energy back.
Remember, you won’t add fat on your body by eating 400 grams of pasta with sausage after your trainings.
As I said before, the body will need to use these carbs to repair the broken muscle fibers and build new quality muscle.
NOTE: Don’t forget to intake the amount of protein that your body needs too.
- Consume carbohydrates immediately after sleep as part of a plentiful breakfast which should also contain more protein
By consuming a good amount of carbohydrates in the morning, you will prepare your body for the upcoming day events and the upcoming workout too.
As we all know carbs are the main source from where the body gets energy and builds muscle, and in conjunction with protein, carbohydrates are the needed muscle building package.
So let’s say, for example you may start your day with 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs, 100 grams of white flakes with milk and 50 grams of almonds.
Also, you can add some sort of fruit, for example 1-2 bananas.
This meal will provide 45-55 grams of protein, 100 plus grams of carbohydrates, little amount of fat and the needed fibers.
Just by following these simple rules, you will allow your body to get the needed carbohydrates at the right time.
This will take your muscle building progress to its maximum in the shortest time possible.
Start today and implement these five rules in your diet, I guarantee, you will be amazed by your energy levels, the health of your body , and the lean muscle mass added.

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