[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Diets Guide – South Beach Diet Plan[/su_heading]
Guide : South Beach Diet Plan
Designed by renowned cardiologist of Miami, Dr. Arthur Agatston, South Beach Diet Plan is one of the best diet plans for shedding eight to ten pounds of weight in mere two weeks. Dr. Arthur has published this exclusive plan in his book named The South Beach Diet.
Afterwards, Dr. Arthur collaborated with professor of exercise physiology in the University of Miami, Dr. Joseph Signorile to blend the diet plan with workouts. The three phases of diet accompanied with three phases of workouts will double the gains by burning fat faster. The program focuses on low and high intensity of exercises such as walking, various toning exercises etc.
Working Principle of South Beach Diet Plan
Without asking you to keep a check on the number of calories or to chase the portion size of meals, the diet plan focuses on making your body addicted to healthy diet. The diet plan will naturally deter your craving for unhealthy foods such as fatty food and unhealthy carbs.
Three Phases of South Beach Diet Plan
The south beach diet plan has been divided into three phases. Each phase of the diet plan has its own significance. While the first two phases are for short time only, the third phase is supposed to be followed for a really long time.
Without starving your body, the diet plan encourages consumption of three meals, two snacks, and one protein-rich dessert in a day. The key is to feed you before your body feels hungry.
Phase 1 – Two Weeks
While refraining from bad or high processed carbs, potato, fruits and vegetables, beets, corns, carrots, bread, carrots, rice, pasta, sugar rich food, alcohol and even fruit juice, you need to inculcate good carbs, lean protein, low-fat dairy products such as yogurt, good fats such as, nuts, and others in your diet.
Why Shifting from Phase 1 to Phase 2 is Important?
People generally feel tempted to adhere to the first phase due to its defined food items. But you have to understand that this phase is meant to prepare you for something fantastic. Phase one will bring down your sugar level and your craving for starch and sugar in control, but at the same time this phase will keep you devoid of numerous vital nutrients such minerals, vitamins, and myriad other nutrients.
If you will adhere to phase 1 for more than two weeks, your body is likely to suffer from heart diseases, metabolism problems, and even cancer. Fibrous foods and other vital nutrients nourish your body in different ways. Moreover, you are very likely to revert to your old eating habits because after certain period of time, consumption of restrained food items will begin bugging you.
Phase 2
After following a restrictive and highly disciplined diet for two weeks, you can gradually include fibrous fruits and vegetables in phase 2. Some of the fruits and vegetables such as carrot, tomato, onion, which were forbidden in the first phase can be consumed in phase two.
You will instinctively feel more inclined to consume healthy foods and your longing for junk or unhealthy food will naturally disappear. As compared to phase 1, your body needs to be fed with less protein in second phase.
Along-with good crabs, you can consume white meat chicken, pork or lean beef, soy protein for fulfilling your protein requirements. The logic behind consumption of protein is, protein slackens the digestion process of carbs and thus keeps the blood sugar level in control.
Also, your body will produce less insulin and less insulin production means less yearning for foods. For getting better results from phase 2, you can plan your diet menu one week in advance.
This would make your diet plan more systematic and controlled. You will drop around 1-2 pounds in a week in this phase, and according to your weight loss objective, you can stick to phase 2 for as long as you want.
Phase 3
Here comes phase 3. This phase seeks after your lifetime commitment of feeding wholesome foods to your body. In this phase, you are free to eat what you crave and you can relish your adored foods such as pastries, ice creams, and other desserts. However, you are supposed to maintain moderation in your diet. The healthy food habits, which you learned in the first and second phase will keep you motivated to consume nutritious food items for your life time.
Benefits of South Beach Diet Plan
- If you meticulously go along with the diet plan, the exquisite diet plan will dramatically shed eight to ten pounds from your body in two weeks. The diet plan will also rid you from the shabby flab accumulated around your stomach, thighs, and hips.
- The diet plan works in an astonishing way on the cardiovascular system of your body and stimulates its functioning. While keeping your blood sugar in control, it will effectively save you from “level two diabetes.”
- The diet is unlike other diet plans which help you in dropping weight for short time, but as you stop following them, you resume your previous weight. South beach diet plan will maintain your lost weight forever.
- Without depriving your body from your loved foods, the diet solution will purge you from hunger pangs, and healthy eating habits will start taking root in you.
- You will learn how to nourish your body, what carbs are bad, and what carbs are beneficial for your body. It will maintain proportionate ratio of carbs, lean protein, and healthy fat in your diet.
- Since South beach diet program relies on fibrous food, it is likely to develop healthy eating habits in you.
Analysis of South Beach Diet
Though the South Beach diet plan claims to have its spectacular effects on cardiovascular system, blood sugar level, cholesterol, and heart diseases, but there is dearth of sufficient evidences to brace the fact. Even the evidences which are available are not strong to point up the diet plan.
As far as shedding weight is concerned, many people have scorched extra pounds through the diet plan in short run. Long run benefits of the diet plan are still a mystery. When you embark on a new diet plan, your body inevitably drops some pounds, which actually is due to the water loss from tissues, not because your body scorched fat.
That being said, the diet plan is not detrimental to your health, in fact, you will learn some great eating habits through the plan. So you can indisputably go along with the diet plan.

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