


Is it that time of the month? You’re getting cramps in the belly and the small of your back! Don’t worry I got you! These super handy tips and hacks will help forget about the pain without any pills!
Moreover, you will find super useful hacks that will ease your life!
Wondering how to remove blood stains from jeans? Wi will show you how to wash off blood using hydrogen peroxide or salt. Put the towel on bed sheets to avoid blood stains
Make a handmade “hot” sock filled with any cereal and microwaved for a few minutes. Applying heat to your abdomen, you will be surprised at how much comfort this thing will bring you.
Make a box for hygiene products that are very helpful during these days. Period kits can be a great way to stop worrying about when and what to purchase. In an emergency situation, you may use toilet paper or handkerchief to replace pads.
Experiencing PMS? Eat chocolate, bananas and drink red wine. Dark chocolate boosts your mood, potassium in bananas reduces water retention and bloating. Wine will relax you and get rid of unpleasant sensations.
We’ve already accepted that leggings can be worn as pants and camel toe could be embarrassing. Watch our video and learn how to prevent camel toe, no matter where you are or what you’re wearing.
You will find unexpected sanitary napkin hacks in our video, for example, you can stick the sanitary pads to your sports jacket to avoid sweat stains, put it into your shoes against slipping. Did you know the easiest way how to avoid blisters? Use a sanitary napkin!
Don’t know where to hide your saved money while traveling? Whatever your travel destination may be, you should know where to hide your money to avoid risks. Sanitary napkin could be used as a safe place when you travel and enjoy new countries.

00:06 How to remove blood stains
01:08 Heating pad from sock
02:07 Period kit
05:00 Sanitary napkin hacks

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