Krishna Meditation Mantra | Hare Krishna | Yoga Music | Spa Music For Relaxation Yoga Playlists



◢ “We have practical experience that any person who is chanting the holy names of Krishna (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) in course of time feels some transcendental pleasure and very quickly becomes purified of all material contamination.” – Srila Prabhupada.

◢ The listener will feel a clearing of consciousness and relief from unwanted lustful desires. If this chant is repeated on a daily basis one can realise and remember the true reason for the existence of life. One can learn to be at peace with one self.

◢ Simply by chanting this krishna mantra we can attain states of transcendental meditation.

◢ Benefit of Mantra Meditation

◢ At SatitaMeditate we are passionate about providing the highest quality MEDITATIONS soundtracks for you to enjoy your meditative practices. Our mission is to provide you with an experience to remember. Furthermore, we aim to provide music that will diminish away worldly worries that our minds face daily. We want to help you FOCUS & RELAX. Our aim is to provide meditation music from all over the world and sounds our ancestors would have only been able to imagine. You will find BUDDHIST MEDITATION, BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION & SHAMANIC MEDITATION.


◢ CONNECT with us to watch out for our new releases. We also we aim to provide inspiring spiritual words of wisdom from teachers such as Dalai Lama.
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◢ ‘It is our mission to provide music that can change your energy and to inspire, enrich and make a positive difference.’


Photo by Hartwig HKD under the Creative Commons license