Core Power Yoga | Flow With Intention (Abs, Legs, Hips, Arms) | 60 Min. Core Power Yoga
Core power yoga to ring in the New Year, as we face 2018, let us draw in what we want in our life this year. This is an Oily Giveaway video, be sure to comment below for a chance to win.
We will flow to open our side body, front body, back body and even fly with some fun Crow work! Our Sun B series is filled with finding balance, both with our breath and with our body.
Warrior 3 flowing from Eagle will get our minds away from our day and onto our mat. Our core section includes an Arm balance, which is a great way to face fear, and overcome it. This flow will help us to focus on the strength that we have, while at the same time releasing what may be holding us back.
When we can learn to live, and practice, with intention, we will begin to see our lives transform. Envision what it is we want for ourselves, hold it close and allow ourselves to fly! May your practice, year and intention be filled with peace and love.
From our heart and hO’Me to yours Namaste!
#corepoweryoga #poweryoga #vinyasayoga
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Looking for more 60 minute flows, try these:
Power Vinyasa Yoga – 60 Minute Full Body Flow for Grounding & Balance
Power Vinyasa Yoga – 60 Minute flow – Hamstrings, Shoulder opener with Arm Balances