USIB Summer Company 2019 Part 2 Core Power Yoga



Part two of my adventures in North Carolina! It was an incredible opportunity. Thank you for coming along!


Support my dancing and my Pointe Shoe Scholorship! Buy something from

I live a fasting focused lifestyle and here are my fasting journals:

I like to read Children’s Books:

I play the piano for ballet classes, and I play the vibraphone for fun and sometimes for church:

I teach ballet, take ballet and other dance classes, and perform whenever I can. I also do workshops and try new conditioning workouts and stretches

I experiment with different diets and health habits:

I also do silly random videos and sometimes I just ramble about my life and ideas. I managed a group of Singing Socks, a Stand Up Comedian from The Fuit Basket, I am a champion snow swimmer, and some times I just want to record something I found interesting:

I also run a small business that makes custom dance wear, skirts, leotards, and warm up items. These are some of my promo videos:

Here is my website, which includes my blog where I share many of these same videos:

You can send me a personal email here:

or an email to my business here: