Yoga for back pain 2 Core Power Yoga



yoga for Back Pain -1

Backward Bending Asanas:

Backward bending asanas are posture which turn the body out to face the world. They are stimulating and extroverting. Because tehy expand the chest and encourage inhalation, they are associated with the attitude of embracing life. They are also dynamic postures which move counter to gravity and, therefore, require strength and energy to perform.

People with excessive lower back curve (lumbar lordosis) should not practise the asanas in the section, apart from saral bhujangasana, ardha Shalabhasana and gomukhasana. Generally, during pregnancy, asanas where the stomach is weight-bearing are not recommended. Of the asanas in this section, kandharasana practised gently will give the benefits of backward bends. In general, the specific contra-indications for each practise should also be carefullly observed.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana (Twisted Cobra Pose)

Benefits:- As for bhujangasana, with increased influence on the arms and the intestines.

Note:-This asana is performed as part of the shankhaprakshalana series.


Sarpasana (Snake Pose):-

Sequence:-A good preparatory pose for bhujangasana.

Contra-indications:- People suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism should not practice this asana without the guidance of a competent teacher.
People with heart conditions and high blood pressure should perform this asana.

Benefits:- Basically the same benefits as bhujangasana; in addition sarpasana helps to correct the posture, particularly rounded shoulders, and has a profouned strengthening effect on the back muscles.


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