Yoga Nidra – The Yoga of Sleep & Relaxation – Five Parks Yoga
Special Five Parks Students Offer! We have a special discount for you on the same Singing Bowls that Erin uses in her classes! Save a full 20% on Singing Bowls with coupon code “IMSAVE20” on their Amazon store at: – Erin loves her Silent Mind Singing Bowl and you will too
Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the “going-to-sleep” stage. It is a state in which the body is completely relaxed and you becomes systematically and increasingly aware of your inner world.
This practice does not require any movement, so before you begin make yourself completely comfortable. You may choose to lie on your mat in a Savasana shape, or you can use props and pillow on the floor or in your bed. You do not have to look at a screen for this practice – just simply listen to the sound of my voice. I hope you enjoy the sound of the Singing Bowl and the soothing music in the background.
You will be guided through 8 stages: Entry, Intention, Body Scan, Breath and Energy Awareness, Sense Perception, Images and Visualization, Intention and Return.
*This Yoga Nidra Script has been derived from many sources – the first source was my own teacher training. Throughout time, I have edited, adjusted, and taken inspiration from other scripts. This practice of relaxation reduces tension, anxiety, headache, chest and abdominal pain and more. Enjoy.
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Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson
Location: Arvada, Colorado
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Produced by Tamarindo Films:
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